Tractate 13 : Metaphysical Systems - Model Building Through Metaphysical Engineering (continued)

3. The Analysis:

Metaphysical Systems #9

being 'Being'

'B' is
being - action, Process/reality is
‘b’ is not

'Identity': Summation, Totality as 'the' Entity being 'Being'


  1. being ‘Being’ establishes a metaphysical system
  2. ‘Being’ exist
  3. being - action, Process/reality - exists
  4. being - action, Process/reality – exists ‘within’ Being’

The following is the general flow the metaphysical system (being ‘Being’) takes when examined against the most generally accepted concepts held by today's sciences, religions or philosophies.

‘Being’s’ relationship to being – action, Process/reality

  1. Process/reality exists
  2. Process/reality has an initiating force, causative factor
  3. ‘Being’ is omnipresent; as such, everything that is in Process/reality is in ‘Being’
  4. ‘Being’ is omnipotent; It contains all power
  5. ‘Being’ is omniscient; It contains all knowledge


  1. ‘Being’ exists
  2. Process/reality exists
  3. Process/reality may be ‘Being’
  4. Process/reality may be ‘within’ but separate from ‘Being’

In this metaphysical system, there is no ‘outside’ to ‘Being’ for there is only ‘Being’ – what is and being – action, Process/reality

Process/reality, even if it is ‘Being’ itself, is ‘within’ ‘Being’ for there is nowhere else to be.

‘Being’, provides the understanding regarding the significance of being – action, Process/reality.

Process/reality’s Significance:

  1. Process/reality has no perception of itself
  2. Process/reality is a verb as such it does not exist in and of itself
  3. Process/reality is a verb of action
  4. Process/reality is a part of ‘Being’
  5. Within’ this metaphysical system, Process/reality, action exists, period

Within this metaphysical system, Process/reality has no ultimate goal for itself for Process/reality is not. Process/reality is action not ‘something’.

The significance of Process/reality now becomes defined.

Process/reality’s defined significance: Expanding ‘Being’ beyond the point of simple existence. Providing a means of action for ‘Being’

Social Ramifications:

  1. The essence of Process/reality is action
  2. Continuation of action, Process/reality, is active existence
  3. Termination of action, Process/reality, is permanent equilibrium
  4. There is no higher directive than continuation of Process/reality, action
  5. The essence of ‘being’ does not exist ‘within’ Process/reality, action
  6. All action within ‘Being’ is controlled by ‘Being’, is ‘Being’
  7. ‘being’ is simply a perceived existence established by ‘Being’
  8. ‘being’, and ‘Being’, are not in a hierarchical relationship to each other for all actions of ‘being’ are actions of ‘Being’ itself
  9. All hierarchical relationships derive their template from the ‘being’/’Being
  10. ‘Being’ generates being – action, Process/reality
  11. Philosophical label: Determinism

The metaphysical system of (being ‘Being) provides the logic needed to prioritize all action.

The metaphysical system of (being ‘Being) establishes the status levels between ‘beings’ themselves. ‘being’s’ existence is a ‘ruse’, a false perception of individuality for in truth it does not exist independent of ‘Being’. Rather ‘being’ simply exists as a ‘controlled aspect of’ Being. ‘being’, individuality, is a creation of ‘Being’s’ and as such all of ‘being’s’ perceived actions are predetermined by ‘Being’. As such, the interactions between ‘beings’ is but a preconceived scenario developed by ‘Being’

Through the metaphysical system of (being ‘Being), we form an understanding regarding the interrelationship between ‘Being’ – what is and being – action, Process/reality. Under the metaphysical system of (being ‘Being), it is the responsibility of ‘Being’ to manipulate action, Process/reality, in order to act, to function, to expand itself beyond the simple state of existing.

We can begin to understand this metaphysical system by examining three characteristics of ‘Being’, within which being – action, Process/reality is:

The metaphysical system of (being ‘Being) assigns a location within which the summation of knowledge is confined. It is confined ‘within’ the totality of ‘Being’.

The metaphysical system of (being ‘Being) implies a location within which the summation of power is confined. It is confined ‘within’ the totality of ‘Being’.

The metaphysical system of (being ‘Being) implies a location within which the summation of ‘location’ itself, ‘within’ which being – action, Process/reality, is confined. Process/reality, being –action is confined ‘within’ ‘Being’.

Process/reality, being –action, is confined ‘within’ ‘Being’ because there is ‘nowhere’ else to be.

Impact Regarding ‘being’, individuality:
‘being’s’ nonexistence initiations enormous perceptual and behavioral actions ‘within’ Process/reality. Understanding the relationship between ‘Being’ and Process/reality, action - being, establishes the foundation for the examination of the metaphysical system of Process/reality and ‘Being’ in particular.

Process/reality, action, being:
At this point in time, there are two options to consider.

Option 1: Process/reality itself is different from everything within it and has no origination. Thus Process/reality had no ‘originator’. Action, Process/reality has always existed.

The premise that being – action, Process/reality had no beginning, had no creative originating force is supported by nothing we have observed - no observations and no logic. Is the concept of Process/reality having no beginning an option to consider? Certainly it is an option to consider.’ But the question is not: Is the option of ‘it always was’ an option to consider but rather is it the most logical option.

Option 2: All things within Process/reality appear to have an identifiable beginning, therefore Process/reality, action, being, itself must have an identifiable beginning and thus, an originator, Creator. Since there are only two factors involved in this metaphysical system, ‘Being’ would have to be the creator of its own being – action, Process/reality.

Assuming we accept the premise of ‘Being’ being an originator, the original force, the source of the beginning of its own being – action, Process/reality, we can then move on to examine the concept regarding ‘Being’, and its function within this metaphysical system.

In terms of understanding the rational interrelationships between ‘Beings’, there is no interrelationship that occurs ‘between’ since ‘Being’ is the whole, summation, totality and as such ‘the’ whole cannot interact with other ‘whole’s since in this system there is only one ‘whole’, totality, summation. In terms of the understanding the rational interrelationships between ‘Being’ and ‘Being’s’ environment, there is none since ‘Being’ is the whole and thus has no environment, ‘outside’ itself, in which it is immersed, with which it can interact.

The metaphysical system of (being ‘Being) provides a well-structured understanding as to the rational interrelationships between ‘Being’ and its own ‘Being’.

The metaphysical system of (being ‘Being) provides a well structured metaphysical system of (being ‘Being):

In essence, ‘Being’ becomes the focus.

Growth, equilibrium, decay are three choices for the state of ‘Being’, which in this particular metaphysical system, is the whole, totality. The rational choice this metaphysical system establishes: Permanent equilibrium. Timeless decay implies the end to the whole, to totality, to the concept of existence without time. Timeless growth contradicts what we observe around us.

(being ‘Being) offers the understanding of ‘being’ not being. It offers us the understanding of ‘being’ having no self-existence, self-control, independence, free will. It offers us the understanding regarding ‘being’ being a non-entity, ‘being’ being something other than what it had considered itself to be. It offers the understanding that all ‘beings’ will experience finality.

Upon further examination, (being ‘Being) offers us the understanding of ‘being’ having, in truth, no finality for ‘being’ is not.

As such, ‘being’, has no universal responsibility, ‘being’ has no responsibility.

Understanding responsibilities as defined by significance within Process/reality defines actions ‘being’ initiates while functioning within the metaphysical concept of (being ‘Being). What are the initiated actions on the part of ‘being’ within the system of (being ‘Being’)? There are none, for ‘being’s’ actions are not its own but rather they are the actions of ‘Being’.

Under the metaphysical model of (being ‘Being), the annihilation of being – action, Process/reality’s mechanism, destroys not only ‘being’ but the home of ‘being’, Process/reality. Under a metaphysical perception of (being ‘Being), the annihilation of Process/reality would reduce ‘Being’ to the simple state of existence. .

Is the metaphysical system of (being ‘Being) a complete system? Yes, paradoxically it is completed through the process of identity. And why is such a system paradoxical? It is paradoxical for had being – action, Process/reality not always been a part of ‘Being’, ‘Being would have had to ‘originate’ being – action, Process/reality without the aid of any being – action, Process/reality.

This is not to say such an event ‘could not’ have occurred on the other hand it may say something about the reality of very reality itself. This in itself presents a very interesting topic of discussion in terms of reality being an illusion as opposed to a ‘real illusion’

Under the metaphysical system of (being ‘Being):

  1. ‘Being’ generates being – action, Process/reality
  2. There is no higher directive than to exist

‘Being’s , main directive is determinism: to exist for its own self.

‘being’s, individuality’s, main, directive is nonexistent for ‘being’s being is not

Type of System:
A non-Cartesian metaphysical system