Tractate 13 : Metaphysical Systems - Model Building Through Metaphysical Engineering (continued)

4. The Analysis:

Metaphysical System of Multiplicity
As opposed To
Any of the Systems 1-28

Metaphysical Systems of Singularity

'b' is
being - action, Process/reality is
‘B’ is

'Identity' through the separation of entities 'being' being separate from being 'Being'

The concept of Metaphysical Multiplicity is the existence of ‘a’ Metaphysical concept, a piece of the system, existing simultaneously.

The concept of Metaphysical Multiplicity is not the concept of the existence of "a’ whole’ Metaphysical system existing simultaneously.

Such a perception takes on the appearance of rationality when it is a verb of action being examined, for example being - the verb. We recognize being – action occurring in more than one place at time. Now granted time has just been interjected into the equation, but one can just as readily extract time and the concept of multiplicity of action remains. The debate concerning the interconnection of time and action and the debate concerning the rationality of the multiplicity of action are not what is being addressed in this chapter. Such examinations are entirely different topics than the focus of this trilogy.

The voluminous material, On ‘being’ being, is an exercise in Husserl’s reductionism and basic Metaphysics and as such, complexity of argument must be set aside for a later date.

Without setting such debate aside, the trilogy moves from being a single set of three books to being many multiple sets of three books.

The perception of Metaphysical multiplicity of action may take on a sense of rationality but the perception of Metaphysical multiplicity of ‘a’ ‘being’ takes on an appearance of irrationality.

As such, to prevent confusing the issue, we will, in this section of this chapter, examine the Metaphysical multiplicity of action rather than other forms of Metaphysical multiplicity. This in turn will lead us back to the concept of Metaphysical Singularity. (A little patience is needed at this point.)

Metaphysical System of Multiplicity: ‘Identity’ through the separation of entities. ‘being’ being separate from being ‘Being’


  1. ‘being’ being separate from being ‘Being’ establishes a metaphysical system
  2. ‘being’ exist
  3. being - action, Process/reality – exists
  4. ‘Being’ exists
  5. ‘being’ exists ‘within’ being - action, Process/reality
  6. being – action, Process/reality exists ‘within’ ‘Being’
  7. ‘being’s’ being – action, Process/reality exists separate from ‘Being’
  8. ‘Being’s’ being exists ‘outside’ of, separate from ‘being’s’ being
  9. ‘being’ exists separate form ‘Being’
  10. ‘Being’ exists separate from ‘being’

The following is the general flow the metaphysical system (‘being’ being separate from being ‘Being’) takes when examined against the most generally accepted concepts held by today's sciences, religions or philosophies.

(‘’being’ being)’s relationship to (being ‘Being’) – summation, totality

  1. ‘being’, individuality, exists
  2. Process/reality exists
  3. ‘being’, individuality exists ‘within’ Process/reality
  4. Process/reality exists separate from ‘Being’
  5. Process/reality exists as a part of ‘Being’
  6. ‘being’ and ‘Being’ have commonality
  7. ‘being’ and ‘Being’ find commonality in being – action, Process/reality
  8. ‘being’ and ‘Being’ are mirror images through commonality


  1. Process/reality exists
  2. ‘being’ exists
  3. ‘Being’ exists
  4. ‘being’ may be a part of Process/reality
  5. Process/reality may be a part of ‘Being’

In this metaphysical system, there is an ‘outside’ to Process/reality for there is ‘being’ ‘within’ being – action and there is being – action, Process/reality ‘within’ ‘Being. The two beings – actions, Process/realities, established by this particular metaphysical system are non-adjacent, separate from each. The non-adjacent characteristic created by this particular metaphysical system, creates the need for a void to act as a buffer between them. The purpose of such a buffer is to keep the two beings – actions, Process/realities separate from one another.

‘Separation’ ‘within’ the metaphysical system of (‘being’ being separate from being ‘Being’) provides the understanding regarding the significance of ‘being’.

‘being’s’ significance:

  1. ‘being’ exists ‘within’ Process/reality
  2. ‘being’ exists ‘outside’ ‘Being’
  3. ‘being’ exists separate from its ‘creator’
  4. ‘being’ perceives itself as ‘less’ than its ‘creator’
  5. ‘being's’ perception of itself whether as a combination of many ‘beings’ or as individuality determines its action
  6. The level of significance ‘being’ places upon itself, defines the parameters of its action towards itself as well as towards other ‘beings’
  7. ‘being’ perceiving itself as ‘less’ than, see itself as ‘imperfect’
  8. ‘being’ perceives other ‘beings’ as having varying degrees of ‘imperfection’
  9. ‘Within’ this metaphysical system, ‘being’ perceives itself as existing
  10. ‘Within’ this metaphysical system, ‘being’s’ ultimate goal is ‘raise’ itself, ‘raise’ other ‘beings’ to the level of ‘perfection’.

The significance of ‘being’ now becomes defined.

‘being’s’ defined significance: ‘perfection’, attaining the ‘level’ of ‘Being’, and if that is unattainable, than as a minimum ‘earning’ the ‘honor’ of ‘standing’ next to ‘perfection’.

Social Ramifications:

  1. The essence of all ‘being’ is existence
  2. Elevation of existence is perceived as possible
  3. Elevation of existence is success
  4. Demotion of existence is failure
  5. There is no higher directive than to reach ‘perfection’
  6. ‘Being’ generates being – action, Process/reality; being – action, Process/reality generates ‘being’
  7. Philosophical label: Transcendence

The metaphysical system of (‘being’ being separate from being ‘Being’) provides the logic needed to prioritize, categorize, establish a hierarchy for all action.

The metaphysical system of (‘being’ being separate from being ‘Being) establishes the status levels between ‘beings’ themselves. ‘being’s’ attempt to commune with ‘Being’, attempt to attaining the ‘level’ of ‘Being’, attempt to ‘stand’ ‘next’ to ‘Being’, attempt to gain ‘access’ to ‘Being’, takes precedence over all else.

Through the metaphysical system of (‘being’ being separate from being ‘Being’), an understanding regarding the interrelationship between ‘being’ – what is and being – action, Process/reality as well as the interrelationship between ‘being’s’ being and ‘Being’s’ being. Under the metaphysical system of (‘being’ being separate from being ‘Being’), it is the responsibility of ‘being’ to manipulate being – action, Process/reality, as well as manipulate other entities’ being, manipulate other ‘beings’ being – action, Process/reality in order to acquire ‘perfection’ for perfection is viewed as the ‘ideal’ way to ‘gain access to ‘Being’s being – action, Process/reality.

We can begin to understand this metaphysical system by examining how ‘being’ perceives ‘Being’s’ being – action, Process/reality. As such it will help to examine three characteristics such a metaphysical system could generate from the perspective of ‘being’ as it functions ‘within’ being – action, Process/reality.

The metaphysical system of (‘being’ being separate from being ‘Being’) assigns a ‘location’ ‘within’ which the summation of knowledge is confined. It is confined ‘within’ the totality of ‘Being’, the ‘creator’ of Process/reality, the ‘creator’ of ‘being’.

The metaphysical system of (‘being’ being separate from being ‘Being) implies a ‘location’ ‘within’ which the summation of power is confined. It is confined ‘within’ the totality of ‘Being, the ‘creator’ of Process/reality, the ‘creator’ of ‘being’. .

The metaphysical system of (‘being’ being separate from being ‘Being’) implies a ‘location’ ‘within’ which the summation of ‘location’ itself, ‘within’ which being – action, Process/reality, is confined. Process/reality, being –action is confined ‘within’ itself.

Now it would appear such a system would lead to the perception that ‘being’ is ‘within’ omnipresence itself but under such a metaphysical system of (‘being’ being separate from being ‘Being’) a second perception arises. Because ‘Being’ is perceived as ‘perfect’ and ‘being’ is perceived as ‘imperfect’, ‘being’ finds itself in a paradoxical dilemma. ‘being’ is unable to rationalize ‘imperfection’ being ‘located’ ‘within’ ‘perfection’. As such, ‘being’ solves the dilemma by developing a model wherein ‘being’ is placed ‘outside’ of ‘Being’, omnipresence.

Since this contradictory Metaphysical perception takes on a perception of ‘greater’ relative worth, greater relative ‘value’, over that of the contradiction of existing ‘outside’ omnipresence, separation from omnipresence, is accepted over imperfection within perfection.

Impact regarding ‘being’, individuality:
(‘being’ being separate from being ‘Being’) establishes a metaphysical model based upon separation. ‘being’s’ location with respect to ‘Being’s’ location seems insignificant, but the subtlety leads to enormous perceptual and behavioral shifts.

‘Being’s being – action, Process/reality being separate from a portion of itself, separate from being – action, Process/reality, places both a portion of Process/reality and ‘being’ ‘outside’ ‘Being’. As such, Process/reality becomes separates from, split from ‘Being’. Likewise, ‘being’, being a portion of Process/reality, which is separate from ‘Being’, is separate from ‘Being’. With the concept of ‘Being’ being ‘outside’, transcendent to a portion of Process/reality there emerges the rationality for respect due ‘Being’ through a concept of hierarchical relationships via relativistic perceptions.

‘being’ being separate from ‘Being’, rationalizes the hierarchy system between ‘Being’ and ‘being’, which in turn creates the impetus to establish and then to maximize social hierarchy systems of ‘being’ to ‘being’.

‘Being’ becomes defined as ‘the whole’, as the omnipresent ‘Being’ existing. As such ‘Being’ is identified with Process/reality, with what lies ‘outside’ ‘Being’, omnipresence. Thus, ‘being’ takes on the perception of ‘needing’ ‘Being’, while ‘Being’ takes on the perception of not ‘needing’ ‘being’ or being – action, Process/reality for that matter. ‘Being’ takes on the perception of not needing ‘being’ for ‘Being’ is all present – omnipresent, all knowing – omniscient, and all powerful – omnipotent.

‘being’ being separate from ‘Being’s’ being, defines the location of ‘being’, ‘being is ‘outside’. The location of ‘being’ is seemingly insignificant, but the subtlety initiations enormous perceptual and behavioral actions ‘within’ Process/reality.

Process/reality, action, being:
At this point in time, there are two options to consider.

Option 1: Process/reality itself is different from everything within it and has no origination. Thus Process/reality had no ‘originator’. Process/reality has always existed.

The premise that Process/reality had no beginning, had no creative originating force is supported by no observation and no logic. Is the concept of Process/reality having no beginning an option to consider? Certainly it is an option to consider.’ But the question is not: Is the option of ‘it always was’ an option to consider but rather is it the most logical option.

Option 2: All things within Process/reality, appear to have an identifiable beginning, therefore Process/reality, action, ‘being’s’ being, itself must have an identifiable beginning and thus, an originator,

The metaphysical system of (‘being’ being separated from being ‘Being’) provides a well-structured understanding as to the rational interrelationships between ‘beings’, between ‘being’ and one’s own ‘being’, and between ‘being’ and ‘being’s’ environment:

The Metaphysical system of (‘being’ being separate from being ‘Being’) provides something the Metaphysical system of (‘being’ being) and (being ‘Being’) did not. It provides an alternative for ‘being’s’ location. ‘being’ could:

  1. remain ‘inside’ Process/reality
  2. enter a ‘region’ between Process/reality and ‘Being’
  3. enter ‘Being’

Now two possibilities open up for ‘being’. Access to Process/reality is an undeniable option for ‘being’ is already there experiencing Process/reality, manipulating Process/reality.

In fact ‘being’ is ‘affecting’ Process/reality and ‘being’ understands its ability to do so, to ‘affect’ Process/reality evolves from the very fact that it, ‘being’, understands that it exists ‘within’ Process/reality.

At the same time, ‘being’ understands it does not ‘affect’ ‘Being’ for it does not lie ‘within’ Being’.

With ‘being;s’ realization of the reasonableness regarding its ability to ‘affect’ Process/reality while not being able to ‘affect’ ‘Being’, comes the realization of the reasonableness that Process/reality most likely did not ‘create’ itself. Spontaneous generation does not correspond to the observed laws of Process/reality.

As such, ‘being’ looks to ‘Being’ as the ‘creator’ of Process/reality. This generates the concept of ‘Being’ possessing the capacity for action. So it is the metaphysical system of (‘being’ being separate from ‘Being’) naturally evolves into the metaphysical system of ‘being’ being separate from ‘Being’.

As the metaphysical system of (‘being’ being separate from being ‘Being’) unfolds, it leads ‘being’ to the understanding of ‘Being’ being the ‘creator’ of ‘being’.

In terms of the understanding the rational interrelationships between ‘Beings’ there is none since ‘Being’ is the whole, totality and ‘the’ whole cannot interact with other ‘whole’s since in this system there is only one ‘whole’, totality, summation. In terms of the understanding the rational interrelationships between ‘Being’ and ‘Being’s’ environment, there is none since ‘Being’ is the whole and thus has no environment, ‘outside’ in which it is immersed, with which it can interact.

The metaphysical system component of the system, (being ‘Being), provides a well-structured understanding as to the rational interrelationships between ‘Being’ and its own ‘Being’. ‘Being’ is alone. ‘Being’ seeks interaction but only the interaction it desires to let ‘into’ itself. The rejected ‘being’ and being – action, Process/reality, the portion unwanted, must remain ‘outside’

The metaphysical aspect of the system, (being ‘Being), provides a well-structured understanding as to the rational interrelationships between ‘beings’, to the rational interrelationships between ‘being’ and its own ‘being’, and to the rational interrelationships between ‘being’ and ‘being’s’ environment:

The metaphysical system of (‘being’ being separate from being ‘Being’) establishes:

In essence, ‘Being’ becomes the focus, the level ‘being’ attempts to attain.

‘Attainment’ emerges out of a perception of ‘relative value’, ‘comparison of one to another’. ‘Relative value’, ‘comparison of one to another’, once established, permeates all of being – action, Process/reality.

Growth, equilibrium, decay are three choices for the state of ‘Being’. The rational choice this metaphysical system establishes: being – action, Process/reality ‘within’ which ‘being’ is ‘located’ is decay. On the other hand, ‘Being’ ‘within’ which being – action, Process/reality is located takes on the aspect of - Permanent equilibrium.

Where then can growth be understood to be? With the understanding of ‘Being’s’ omnipresence, omnipotence, and omniscience, growth is relegated to ‘being’ and as such takes on the same lack of significance as ‘being’ itself, relative to ‘Being’. Therefore, just as ‘being’ has no significance to ‘Being’, growth has no significance to ‘Being’.

(‘being’ being separate from being ‘Being’) offers the understanding of ‘being’ being ‘less’ than ‘Being’. It offers the understanding of eternal, timeless existence. It offers the understanding that all ‘beings’ will experience timelessness either ‘within’ the being – action, Process/reality located ‘outside’ ‘Being’, ‘within’ the ‘location’ between being – action, Process/reality ‘within’ ‘Being’, or ‘within’ ‘Being’.

As such, ‘being’, has one responsibility. ‘being’s’ responsibility is to be ‘with’ ‘Being’, gain access to ‘Being’, gain ‘entrance to ‘Being’.

Understanding responsibilities as defined by significance found ‘within’ Process/reality defines actions ‘being’ initiates while functioning within the concept of Process/reality, action, being. Under the metaphysical model of (‘being’ being separate from being ‘Being’), the annihilation of ‘being’s’ being – action, Process/reality mechanism, destroys not only ‘being’ but the home of ‘being’, the portion of Process/reality found ‘outside’ ‘Being’. Under a metaphysical perception of (‘being’ being separate from being ‘Being’), the annihilation of Process/reality would destroy actions, ‘accomplishments, of ‘beings’, for action exists ‘within’ Process/reality and without Process/reality, action – being, there is no perceived ‘being’.

Is the metaphysical system of (‘being’ being separate from being ‘Being’) a complete system? Yes, paradoxically it is completed through the process of separation.

And why is such a system paradoxical? It is paradoxical for two reasons.
First: It is paradoxical for being – action, Process/reality creates ‘being’, but without ‘being’ no action can take place.

Second: It is paradoxical for had being – action, Process/reality not always been a part of ‘Being’, ‘Being would have had to ‘originate’ being – action, Process/reality without the aid of any being – action, Process/reality.

Under the metaphysical system of (‘being’ being separate from being ‘Being’):

  1. ‘Being’ generates being – action, Process/reality
  2. being – action, Process/reality generates ‘being
  3. There is no higher directive than submission, obedience, compliance, capitulation, surrender, acquiescence, duty, conformity

Regarding ‘being’:
‘being’s, individuality’s, main directive is ‘entrance’ into ‘Being’ by whatever means possible.

Regarding ‘Being’:
‘Being’s main directive is transcendence: ‘judgment’ being the means, the being – action, Process/reality by which it will ‘allow’ ‘being’ to enter or not enter its self, ‘Being’

Type of System:
A Cartesian metaphysical system existing separate from a non-Cartesian metaphysical system