Existence : In and of Itself : The Four Elemental Particles of Existence (Continued)

What then of the physical?

So it is the physical enters the picture. So it is experiencing of the physical becomes the first point of nihilistic concern since awareness of the physical is not enough to eliminate the concept of eventual annihilation of the physical and with the elimination of the physical comes the elimination of existence. Within such a perception of reality there is no awareness of physical experiencing unless the physical exists.

Nihilism now enters the picture both in terms of the regions inside and outside existence. The region outside existence is subject to limited existence since all things within the physical, and perhaps the physical itself (Concepts such as expanding and contracting universe, the big bang theory, oscillating universe, cause and effect, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, life and death, growth and decay, creation, … permeate our understanding of the mechanisms filling our universe and embracing our universe.), are subject to time limits, i.e. the contracting universe, an expanding universe into infinite dilution, collapse of vacuum potential from one level to another, etc. The region inside existence is, by virtue of the limits imposed upon the elements found within the physical, likewise subject to time limits.

As such, experiencing of the physical, as exemplified by a rock, mountain, or stream, void awareness of said experience is subject to the limits of time which in turn is subject to the limits of the physical since time and the physical have been clearly demonstrated through science (in particular: Einstein’s equations) to be directly intertwined.

If we take cross sections of various forms of existence found within the diagram, we obtain:

Gone are the following elements of the more complex form of existence:

The rock does exist as a part of the physical. The rock does experience. The rock is not aware of its experiencing, existence. The rock is not capable of knowing of its lack of awareness.

The rock in essence is missing the microchip capable of storing its awareness and as such the rock experiences the act of falling but the rock only experiences the act of falling in terms of time frames on the total film of the falling experience. As such each frame burns up as the new frame in the sequence of falling forms. The incremental acts recorded on the frames are destroyed forever as the new frames form and as such each frame has no permanency – nihilism prevails.

In the case of the rock, existence ‘exists’ but existence exists only in the sense of limited time and as such nihilism dominates for existence in the limited sense of time since, in terms of infinite time and in terms of time beyond time, permanency does not exist. Here today gone tomorrow is in truth a definitive description of existence. In the case of the rock, existing without any awareness of the rock’s existence existing, in essence is as valid a description of non-existence as is the pure void of existence in and of itself.

What then if we introduce the second level - awareness and for that matter the third level – knowing found inside the vessel existence? Awareness as well as knowing of one’s awareness is as susceptible to the nihilistic results of the existence of the physical as is experiencing. A physical existence submitting to the laws of entropy, an expanding universe, a contracting universe, … becomes ripe with nihilistic overtones.

Nothing survives the collapse of energy differentials permeating a physical existence. In fact ‘nothing’ does not survive the collapse of a physical existence if the physical is the limit of existence. ‘Nothingness’ does not exist ‘within’ the physical nor is it possible for a universe to ‘expand’ if there is literally nothing into which it is to expand. Likewise the universe cannot ‘contract’ if there is nothing from which it is to contract.

‘Nothingness’ to exist has no choice but to exist in a ‘something’, which is non-physical in nature and a ‘something’ which does not have an innate characteristic of time and space connected to this ‘something’, since time and space have been directly tied, as demonstrated by Einstein’s equation e = m(c squared). ‘c’ after all is the velocity of light and velocity is the ratio of distance to time.

But is there such a thing as a ‘something’ within which the physical can be contained?

What then of the abstract?
It is now possible to understand how it is that the abstract is now added as an additional layer ‘beyond’ the physical, giving us:

So it is the abstract, the non-physical, the incorporeal enters the picture. So it is that the experiencing of both the physical and the abstract becomes the second point of examination regarding nihilism.

As we have seen, awareness of the physical is not enough to eliminate the concept of eventual annihilation of existence. The presence of only the physical led rationally to a nihilistic existence. We had also discussed the rationality regarding the nihilistic existence of ‘awareness’ as well as ‘knowing of awareness’ in an existence contained within a physical presence. But what of existence immersed within a physical presence which in turn is immersed within ‘something’ non-physical in nature.

In essence we are seeking the existence of ‘something’, which can exist void, the physical, which, in and of itself, is not physical in nature? Human entities are all familiar, aware of, ‘somethings’, which are non-physical in nature that is independent of space and time. These ‘somethings’ are often very personal and affect our personal existence to a greater extent than the physical itself. Such ‘somethings’ include: love, jealousy, hate, compassion, desire, loneliness, humor, …

The diagram clearly demonstrates existence splitting the diagram into three regions: inside existence, outside existence, and existence in and of itself.

‘Awareness of experiencing’ of the abstract, as exemplified by a dog, cat, or mouse void ‘knowing of one’s awareness of said experience’ is subject to the limits placed upon the physical and/or the abstract. It might be more accurate to state that ‘awareness of experiencing’ being non-physical in nature is subject to the limits of the abstract. However, the physical and the abstract have been clearly demonstrated through science (in particular: Einstein’s equations) and the arts to be directly intertwined. This intertwining of the physical and the abstract, however, can now be understood to go beyond the concept of abstractual existence existing within the physical. Although the abstract exists within the physical via the vessel of existence, it can also be stated that without the existence of ‘awareness of experiencing’ existing within the vessel of existence, which in turn exists within the physical, abstraction would not exist ‘within’ the physical but would exist nevertheless.

Could one therefore state: The abstract void ‘awareness of experiencing’ found within the physical, would exist ‘outside’ the physical. In essence the physical becomes secondary to the abstract.

Absolutely not! But to understand why one cannot say the physical is secondary to the abstract due to its relative ‘position’ to the abstract, one has no choice but to understand that there is no such ‘thing’ as an inside to the vessel ‘existence and such an understanding cannot occur until one examines what lies ‘outside’ the abstract.

The work regarding the ‘inside’ of the vessel existence is still incomplete. This leads us to the issue of an entity having no knowing of awareness and having no awareness, but which does experience. To the best of our knowledge, such an entity is exemplified by a rock. Scientifically we understand that a rock falls but scientifically we also believe a rock is not aware that it is falling when it falls, nor does a rock appear capable of knowing of its not being aware of its falling.

A rock would, in relationship to existence, appear to have the following interrelationship with the physical and the abstractual. As the diagram demonstrates, the rock is found to exist within the physical and should the physical be located within the abstractual, the rock likewise would be within the abstractual but one level removed from the abstractual by the presence of the physical.

The rock illustrated within this model of reality, as with all physical existences, would lose all forms of existence including awareness of its existence if and when the physical contracted into non-existence – contracting universe, expanded into an infinitely diluted form – expanding universe, collapsing into a lower level of vacuum potential, …

Understanding what happens to reality when the physical is eliminated can be illustrated by eliminating the physical from the diagram. When we eliminate the physical from the diagram we obtain:

All traces of the rock are gone with the elimination of the physical. Past, present, and future experiencing of the rock are gone since there was no awareness of the rock, no knowing of the rock. Nihilism’s presence is undeniable and all pervasive in terms of physical existence.

But what of an entity capable of experiencing having awareness of its experiencing? To the best of our knowledge, a dog exemplifies such an entity. Scientifically we believe that not only does a dog fall when dropped but a dog is aware that it is falling. The core representing knowing is absent in the diagram of said experiencing, since scientifically we do not believe a dog is capable of knowing of its awareness of falling. In other words the dog has no understanding of what it means to be aware of falling. A dog may fear falling but as far as we can determine a dog does not think – Wow, falling is a terrible thing. - As such dogs are not poets, artists, authors, … The diagram representing a dog’s existence in reality becomes: