The War & Peace of a New Metaphysical Perception : Book 3
Introducing Paradoxes of the Future - A New Perception

Tractate 13 : Metaphysical Systems - Model Building Through Metaphysical Engineering

1. Metaphysical Systems



Regarding the metaphysical systems

Metaphysical Concepts

Section 1: Metaphysical Systems Potential Models

Section 2: Metaphysical System 7 ‘being’ being

Section 3: Metaphysical System #9 ‘Being’ being

Section 4: Metaphysical System #14 ‘being’ being separate from ‘Being’ being

Section 5: Metaphysical System #15 ‘being’ being ‘Being’

Section 6: Metaphysical System #15 Symbiotic Panentheism
(the Metaphysics in non-technical terms)

Terms and concepts
Metaphysical Engineering

Metaphysical systems are systems reduced to their simplest forms. As a preliminary, we will examine visuals of a few metaphysical systems, which could emerge from three basic components: individuality, action, and summation.

We will represent the three through linguistic symbolization and definition as follows:

Linguistic symbolization: Definitions:

  1. ‘being’ n: individuality

  2. being vb: action, Process/reality

  3. ‘Being’ n: summation, totality

The analysis, which follows, is an examination of individuality and its relationship to the whole as well as the whole to individuality. We will not be discussing ‘Being’s’ significance to ‘Being,’ to summation. In essence we will be examining the internal dynamics of metaphysical systems rather than the external dynamics of such systems.

We begin by establishing three potential components for a metaphysical system. Having done that we will examine a few potential systems that could potentially emerge from them.

Regarding the Metaphysical Systems:
Building metaphysical systems is the process of moving forward with what theoretical metaphysics puts into place.

Theoretical metaphysics brings to the building site the materials with which the metaphysical engineer begins the construction of the model itself.

As such, let us examine the building materials which theoretical metaphysics has put before us. Once we have taken this step, let’s examine some of the potential models metaphysical engineering could construct.

Since a relatively large number of models will be presented, we will examine only four in detail. We will then take the final model and put it into non-technical language, generalizations.

Metaphysical systems are systems reduced to their simplest forms. As a preliminary, we will examine visuals of a few metaphysical systems, which could emerge from three basic components: individuality, action, and summation.

We will represent the three through linguistic symbolization and definition as follows:

Linguistic Symbolization: Definitions:

  1. ‘being’ n: individuality
  2. being vb: action, Process/reality
  3. ‘Being’ n: summation, totality

The analysis, which follows, is an examination of individuality and its relationship to the whole as well as the whole to individuality. We will not be discussing ‘Being’s’ significance to ‘Being,’ to summation. In essence we will be examining the internal dynamics of metaphysical systems rather than the external dynamics of such systems.

We begin by establishing three potential components for a metaphysical system. Having done that, we will diagram, model, twenty-eight systems that could potentially emerge from them.

Introduction - Metaphysical Concepts:

    Section 1: Metaphysical Systems: Potential Models

    Section 2: Metaphysical System 7: ‘being’ being

    Section 3: Metaphysical System 9: being 'Being'

    Section 4: Metaphysical System 7+9: ‘being’ being separate from being 'Being'

    Section 5: Metaphysical System 28: ‘being’ being ‘Being’

    Section 6: Metaphysical System 28: Symbiotic Panentheism (the Metaphysics in non- technical terms)